What is the fascia system?
Unfortunately, the fascial system, as it exists in vivo, is not addressed or illustrated in the anatomy books that are a part of our medical training today. The fascial system (commonly known as connective tissue) is a continuous, 3-dimensional spider web like system which surrounds and permeates all of the systems of our bodies. This network consists of fluid filled microtubules which serve as the support system for our muscles, bones, tendons, internal organs, nervous, vascular, lymph, integument and digestive systems.
When we have a traumatic event or overuse injury this fluid filled fascial system becomes dehydrated and winds up like a rope, or a kinked hose. This malfunction potentially pulls one hip higher, one shoulder lower; compressing vascular or nervous structures and finally creating the dis–ease and the messages we call “symptoms.”
Without the fascial system we lack tensegrity, a magical component of the system that allows us to take flexible form. The expense we pay for this magic is with injury 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch on nerves, blood vessels, joints or other structures.
We have literally missed an entire system in our education. Our diagnostic tests either do not show fascial restrictions or have been misread due to lack of training. It is difficult to look for what you haven't been trained to see. Many will go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, will be misunderstood, and will continue to live with their symptoms until they have their entire body (including the fascial system) assessed and treated.